Kamis, 28 April 2011

My Own Color

Yeay... I have my own color. This is 'bout my characters from my real name n birthday..
I got this from Tresni. Thank u say... Ok.. lets check it out. 
Emmy Marlia Sari 
     Ok, let's check.
  1. "You don't worry about things so much..." Ow..Ow... no..no.. false. Yes, I'm very very worry person to create a new thing. There is so many negative think around me. Hahahaha... 
  2. "Once married, you will stay at home...." Hehehehehe... Absolutely wrong!! Until now, still work at office. But it's true obsessed with children's education. Have to !!
    Ok friend, how 'bout u?? It is so fun. Try this.

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